Tom Wilson Counseling Center

Online Classes for Court Ordered Requirements, Employment, and Education

Online Course Catalog


32 Hour Online California PC1000 (DEJ) Class

Penal Code 1000 (PC 1000) - California's Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ) Program is a first offense drug diversion program that allows defendants to be diverted out of the criminal court system and into a drug rehabilitation or education program. Completion of the program may result in removal of charges from your record.

You must obtain preauthorization from the court before enrolling. Policies may change without notice, and there is no guarantee that you will be approved for online classes by the county courts.

Payment plans are available for this class. Start the enrollment process and then call the office at 1.877.368.9909 when you get to the payment page.

Need a DUI or Alcohol Drug Substance Class instead? Visit the DUI or Alcohol Drug categories. Be sure to check the state requirements that requires this class, not the state you live in.

Price: $528.00